Love 146

Love146 journeys alongside children impacted by trafficking today and prevents the trafficking of children tomorrow.

Love146’s vision is the end of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less. We believe this is only possible through a bold, broad vision that cannot be achieved by only one person, organization, perspective, or approach. The movement of people who agree that no child should be trafficked encompasses a broad base of diverse stakeholders and supporters — people who disagree about a myriad of issues, but who all share the vision of the end of child trafficking. The movement benefits from this wide-reaching support and from its diversity; from the voices of people who come to the table with different perspectives and experiences. As such, Love146 strives to set a big table in order to foster both collaborations and the collective will to end child trafficking. We come to this table as learners, for while we seek to be experts on ending child trafficking we understand that we will never know it all.

SVC provides monthly support to LOVE 146.

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