The Power of Love – Say What? (Part I)

To demonstrate our love and make it real we need to express it, and for this we need words. But the Bible tells us that we can never fully control…

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The Power of Love – Great Example – Part III

Part of why Jesus walked the Earth was so we could have a perfect example to follow, and of all the things he modeled for us, none is more important…

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The Power of Love – Great Example – Part II

A great way of learning something is to follow an example that shows you how to do it. Part of why Jesus walked the Earth was so we could have…

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The Power of Love – Great Example – Part I

Until we understand how much God loves us, we cannot fully love Him or love others. In Bible, Jesus is the example we are to follow in how to love…

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The Power of Love – Best of Love – Part II

There is no replacement for time when it comes to loving God and loving others. It requires personal sacrifices and has eternal rewards. 1 John 3:18 tells us to, “let…

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The Power of Love – Best of Love – Part I

Focus is an essential key for life if you want to be effective. When you don’t maintain focus on the important things, all your efforts become so much less effective….

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The Power of Love – Introduction

What is your number one priority in life? Your answer to that question reveals what we value in life the most. Everyone has one whether they think about it or…

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