Think Again About Pain

Why is there pain in the world? – It’s a question most everyone has asked at least once in their lives. The Bible never tells us that we will be…

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Think Again About Discouragement

Discouragement. Just saying the word seems to invoke feelings of sadness, grief, and weariness. There is nothing you can do to avoid all the circumstances that can cause you to…

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Think Again About Temptation – Part II

Temptation was one of the first things the Devil did to pull Adam and Eve away from God. The Devil continues to use it to trip people up and to…

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Think Again About Temptation – Part I

The Devil made me do it! Temptation was one of the first things the Devil did to pull Adam and Eve away from God. The Devil continues to use it…

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Think Again About Sin

SIN – It is perhaps one of the dirtiest words in the Bible. Many people consider it to be sin when we break one of God’s ‘many rules’ that we…

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Think Again About Love

The Bible tells us that not only does God love us, but it also tells us that God IS love. We try to simplify the idea of love based upon…

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Think Again About Managing Your Mind

Does your mind ever get away from you? Do you find it hard to control your thoughts – especially when you are worrying? God wants us to be masters of…

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Think Again About God

How did you form your understanding of who God is and what He is like? A.W. Tozer is famously quoted for saying, “What comes into our minds when we think…

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