The Truth Files – Joy in a World of Despair

 “What if there’s something better than happiness in your relationships?”

Have you ever felt like joy is out of reach in a world filled with despair? In this message, we dive into how God equips us with true joy, even when life’s circumstances are anything but joyful. Joy isn’t the same as fleeting happiness—it’s something deeper that sustains us through trials, built on our relationship with Christ. So, how can we live out this kind of joy in our everyday lives and relationships?

In this sermon, part of The Truth Files series, we uncover how joy is not only essential for personal peace but also for thriving relationships. We also explore the key joy-killers—selfishness, resentment, and fear—that rob us of the joy God desires for us. Thankfully, God offers powerful joy-fillers to restore what’s been lost.

If you missed the live service or want to reflect further, you can watch the full message above. We’ve also included discussion questions to help you dig deeper into the message and a handout with fill-ins to guide your reflection. You can find the handout by clicking the “Download” button above. Whether you watch this on your own or share it with your small group, we hope this message encourages you to experience the joy God offers and transform your relationships.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the difference between joy and happiness, and how does that distinction impact how we approach difficult situations in life?
  2. What are some specific ways we can experience joy in the midst of life’s challenges, even when circumstances seem overwhelming?
  3. How has selfishness impacted your relationships in the past, and how did it affect the level of joy in those relationships?
  4. What are some practical steps we can take to overcome selfishness in our relationships?
  5. In what ways have you seen resentment eat away at the emotional energy in a relationship, and how can forgiveness restore joy?
  6. How does fear create barriers in relationships, and what steps can we take to trust again after being hurt?
  7. Reflect on the three joy killers—selfishness, resentment, and fear. Which one do you find yourself struggling with most in relationships, and why?
  8. What does it look like to “focus on giving rather than receiving” in your relationships, and how does that lead to joy?
  9. How does trusting in God’s plan for your life enable you to find joy, even when things don’t go the way you expect?
  10. What role does perspective play in maintaining joy in your relationships, and how can we shift our focus to God’s power rather than our problems?
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