Why We Need Community

Do you ever wonder why we need each other in our spiritual journey? This week, we’ll explore the importance of being in community as believers. We’ll uncover how God designed us to thrive in relationships and support one another in our walk of faith. Join us to learn how connecting with others in our church family can strengthen your faith, help you overcome challenges, and fulfill God’s purpose for your life.


  1. What are some ways distractions can keep us from fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives?
  2. How do relationships help us stay focused on what truly matters in our spiritual journey?
  3. Why is community important for overcoming fear and challenges in our walk of faith?
  4. In what ways can we support each other to develop our talents and spiritual gifts?
  5. How does building strong connections with fellow believers enhance our relationship with God?
  6. What role do small groups play in fostering a sense of belonging and support within the church?
  7. Can you share a personal experience where being part of a community helped you through a difficult time?
  8. How can we encourage and protect one another from spiritual pitfalls and distractions?
  9. What practical steps can we take to strengthen our connections within our church family?
  10. How can we witness more effectively as a community compared to doing it alone?
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