From Mercy to Mission – Part II

What if everything you’ve ever done or failed to do couldn’t disqualify you from a life of meaning and purpose? This week we continue our exploration of God’s magnificent mercy—a…

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From Mercy to Mission – Part I

Have you ever thought you might be missing out on something big because you feel unqualified or disqualified from being used by God? This week, we continue our series on…

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The Miracle of Mercy

Have you ever wondered just how deeply God’s mercy can transform your life? This week Pastor Chris kicks off a new series of messages all about God’s “Magnificent Mercy,” where…

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Faith Factor – Faith vs. Fear

Have you ever wondered what could happen in your life if you viewed every challenge, every opportunity, through the lens of faith rather than fear? This week we embark on…

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The Liberating Power of Hope

Have you ever wondered if the weight of your past can truly be lifted to reveal a future filled with hope and promise? This week as we step into the…

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Beyond Thanksgiving

What if Every Day Felt Like Thanksgiving? In this message, Pastor Chris steps into a conversation that’s close to everyone’s heart: living with gratitude every single day. Imagine not just…

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Known, Loved, and Accepted: The Power of Our Relationship with God

Ever wondered if God truly knows you, inside and out? Have you questioned the depth of your relationship with Him? Eileen Cramer guides us in exploring these intriguing questions and…

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The Triumphant Life – Keep the Change

Have you ever wondered why change seems so intimidating, even when we genuinely crave it? This week, Pastor Chris exposes the reasons we often cling to familiar habits and mindsets,…

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