Growing Together – Part II

What if I told you that the key to growing in your faith isn’t something you can do alone?

This week we continue looking at how our spiritual growth is deeply connected to the people around us. We find out why we need each other—not just for support, but to truly grow into the people God has called us to be. Whether it’s through affirming each other, praying for each other, sharing our struggles, or encouraging our commitments, we’re going to see how God designed us to grow together.

Join us as we explore what it really means to be a part of a community that helps each other grow. It will challenge the way you think about your relationships and your faith.


  1. What stood out to you the most from the message about growing together?
  2. How does affirming each other’s worth help us grow spiritually? Can you share a time when someone’s affirmation made a difference in your life?
  3. Why do you think praying for each other’s growth is so important? How can we be more intentional in praying for others’ spiritual maturity?
  4. When it comes to sharing our struggles, why is honesty and vulnerability crucial in building community? How have you seen this play out in your own relationships?
  5. What are some obstacles that prevent us from being honest with each other about our struggles? How can we overcome these obstacles?
  6. Discuss a time when you experienced emotional healing by sharing something with someone else. What made that experience significant?
  7. How can encouraging each other’s commitment to grow impact our spiritual journey? In what ways can we do this better in our small group?
  8. What commitments are currently shaping your life the most? How can this group support you in those commitments?
  9. Reflect on the idea that “we need each other to grow.” How does this challenge the way we typically approach our spiritual growth?
  10. After hearing this message, what is one practical step you can take this week to help someone else in their spiritual growth?

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