Mercy that Saves

Have you ever wondered what you lose when you stray from God’s path?

This week we explore the profound impact of being spiritually lost and how God’s mercy can restore us. We’ll look at Jesus’ parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son from Luke 15 to understand what it means to be lost and found. Whether you’ve wandered off the path or are looking to deepen your relationship with Jesus, join us as we dive into these powerful stories and discover the magnificent mercy of God that seeks, saves, and celebrates each of us.


  1. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt spiritually lost? What was that like for you?
  2. How does understanding God’s mercy change the way you view your past mistakes and failures?
  3. In the parable of the lost sheep, what does the shepherd’s actions teach us about God’s priorities?
  4. How can we better reflect the shepherd’s attitude in our own lives when dealing with others who may have wandered from the faith?
  5. The lost coin parable emphasizes the value of each individual. How can we apply this lesson in our daily interactions with others?
  6. The prodigal son made a conscious choice to leave his father. What does this story tell us about the nature of repentance and forgiveness?
  7. In what ways do you think conflict in relationships can affect our happiness and spiritual well-being?
  8. How does being in harmony with God help us to maintain better relationships with others?
  9. Reflect on a time when you felt the protection of God in your life. How did it impact your faith?
  10. How can we stay connected to God daily to ensure we don’t lose our direction, protection, potential, happiness, and ultimately our home in Heaven?
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