Transformed: In God We Trust… Or Do We?

What does your money say about your trust in God?

Most of us say we trust God—but when it comes to finances, it’s easy to hold on tight. Jesus talked about money more than almost anything else, not because He cared about wealth, but because He knew how much it competes for our hearts. Money isn’t just about spending and saving—it’s about trust, priorities, and where we find security.

In this message from our Transformed series, we’ll take a hard look at how money tests our faith and why true financial transformation doesn’t start in our bank accounts – it starts in our hearts. Are we holding on too tightly? Is fear keeping us from trusting God? And what would happen if we really lived like He’s our provider?

Watch the full message to learn how to step out of the cycle of stress and into the rest God has for you. Want to go deeper? Discussion questions and a handout are available—click the “Download” button to access them!

  • What does it practically look like to trust God with your finances? How is that different from just believing He provides?
  • Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Based on how you spend, save, or give, what would someone say you value most?
  • Fear often holds us back from generosity. What specific fears keep people from giving freely? Have you ever experienced fear in this area?
  • The message talked about money being a test of what we love, who we trust, and what we live for. Which of these tests do you think is the hardest for most people? Why?
  • When have you seen God provide in a way you didn’t expect? Did that experience change how you trust Him now?
  • Jesus said, “You cannot serve both God and money.” What are some ways money competes for our trust? How do we push back against that?
  • How does staying close to Jesus help us live generously and trust Him with our finances? What happens when we drift away?
  • Generosity isn’t always about money – it’s about having an open heart. What are ways you can be generous beyond financial giving?
  • What step of faith do you think God is challenging you to take when it comes to your finances?
  • How would your life look different if you truly believed that God provides everything you need?
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